PAL and RPAL Courses
Ownership and responsible use of firearms is a time honoured Canadian tradition.
A PAL (Possession and Acquisition Licence) or an RPAL (Restricted Possession and Acquisition Licence) is necessary to purchase and own firearms lawfully in Canada.
In general terms, a PAL covers most long guns, and an RPAL covers most handguns, but there are numerous exceptions. If you are interested in having your PAL, it is advantageous to take your RPAL at the same time. Doing so will save you classroom time and reduce your licence application fees. (You must pass your PAL testing prior to taking your RPAL.) If you already have your PAL, consider upgrading your license to an RPAL, to allow yourself a wider choice of available firearms.
Gunsmoke has dedicated classroom and mock range facilities for teaching the RCMP approved PAL and RPAL courses. For your convenience, we run courses on weekends.
Prior knowledge or experience with firearms is not necessary, only an interest and a willingness to learn.
Course costs for the PAL are $175 and for the RPAL $140 (or $120 if taken at the same time as the PAL). Tuition is payable in advance. You can book by phone with credit card or e-transfer or by just drop in to the store! Course seats are booked on a first come, first served basis.
We do not offer in-person training for CORE at the moment, but if you have studied on-line we can refer you to an instructor for challenge testing.